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Have you ever wondered when you have evolved? Have you evolved? Are you evolving?
There are ten specific secrets to knowing when and how and if you have evolved.
I'm a Master Astrologer with a background education in philosophy and psychology, neurolinguistic programming, and past life regression therapy, and currently being certified in Hypnosis therapy. What I do with this is help my clients evolve.
Maybe you're not an adventurous person, you're nonconfrontational, and yet today you're going to devise a strategy on how you're going to confront a situation at work.
Maybe tomorrow you're going to implement that plan. This is a stage of evolution. This is number one, and we're going to name ten.
How do you know that you are in a place of evolution, that you are evolving? The interesting thing, others like maybe your mother-in-law or boss won't like it. In fact, you'll get backlash from them. She'll be upset that you're completely changing the dance. This is not the dialogue or the language that you, have been speaking. Your boss may be very upset, demanding that you stay in the position that you've always been in. You do not want to stay in this position, and you may go home and think; I'm trying to evolve. I'm working through my inner dialogue, and my inner demons. I'm courageously venturing out to be better than who I can be, knowing that I can be better than I am, knowing that I can grow and evolve. And yet you may be temporarily discouraged because you think, "but they didn't like this changed me. They didn't go along with me. They struggled with this new dance."
That is the number 2 reason experience that you will have when you know that you're in a state of evolution, of evolving, and that is you will obtain pushback from others. This does not mean you ought to stop. It just indicates that they either need to step away or follow your lead. And that takes time.
The 3rd path that you know that you are in a state of evolution is that you feel uncomfortable. You're not sure how to take the next step. And when you take a step here and you assume a step there, you stumble, you fall, and/or you're out of line. And that's how you know you're in a state of evolution. You're in a state of metamorphosis. Because let's face it, you have to get to know your new self as well.
The 4th way is that you will start to become irritated by the people around you. You will no longer be able to cope with the old style of behavior. You will no longer agree with their type of reaction. You will no longer want to compromise in this situation. Everything that was perfectly fine for you even a few days ago to a few years ago, no longer fits into your perspective, into your knowing.
The number 5, which I think is the much more difficult one, is that society starts to upset you. And that's when you end your day again with a period, you take stock of who has bothered you, and what has bothered you. Where in your community has it upset you? Where do you sense discord? Where do you feel like a misfit, that you don't fit into their dialogue, nor into their language?
The 6th way of knowing that you have evolved is by understanding that someone can be in one mood one day, and be in another mood the next day and accepting.
Now, the 7th is when you accept, when you accept things as they are and do not demand forgiveness, to be forgiven or to forgive another. This one is a doozy. Because you may have someone, some people in your life that you've been harboring resentment, anger, and hurt for years and years and years, trying to find a way to let go of the pain, trying to discover how you can forgive them. And yet, when you realize that acceptance is key, there is no need to forgive. And that includes accepting yourself for the choices that you made. Accepting doesn't mean that you like it, or you like them, or that you wouldn't have wished it was different. It simply means acceptance.
Now, that seems quite simple, does it not? Yet it's not. Because once we realize we can accept instead of forgiving, then that's a whole new process. There's a beginning, a middle, and an end to that process of acceptance. And that takes quite a bit of deconstructing of the situation. So this is where we become the Sherlock Homes of our lives. And this is when it is okay for you to dip into the past. (I help many of my clients with this process)
In mindfulness, they say, do not be in the past, nor the future, but to be in the now. However, I believe that it is okay to momentarily dip into the past, to try to understand, as long as it's affecting you in the present. The past is in your present. They are one.
Let's say it's your brother that you have resentment for, because he stole money from you, in a way that you lent him money for a business that he basically dug into the ground and never paid you back. The Sherlock side of you will have to go into understanding the position that he was in, accepting the situation that he was in, maybe looking at his surroundings, his wife at the time, his girlfriend at the time, his mentality during that period. You may have to look at yourself, who was I then? Who am I now? Yes that is evolving.
And then the 8th place of where you know you are evolving, and this is on a very grand, grand scale, it is when you no longer have to forgive anyone or any situation. And the reason I say "any situation" is because what if your body let you down? What if you had health issues that hold you back, that put you in a state of flux or fear and anxiety? In that situation, people may have a challenging time trying to find a way to forgive. This is when a lot of people say, I don't believe in God. Why would a God put me through this? Many eventually find a way through this.
Many may think, 'I don't believe in the law of attraction. I don't believe in abundance, because I did everything right and I still didn't get what I want. I still didn't have my health, I still lost my business, and my marriage still failed.' This is again on a larger scale as you evolve you begin to accept everything all the time as it is, without even trying. No deconstructing, no looking into the past and trying to figure out why they did what they did. And why what happend ...happened.
Number 9 is a good one. In number nine, you want to start looking at global events. Other people of all races, of all religions, of all societies and cultures, whether they're powerful and rich and wealthy or not, powerful and poor and struggling, no matter what level they are on. You have compassion for their suffering and empathy, and a desire to make a difference, a desire to help in any way that you can. At the least, you know this is a level you aspire to.
And number 10, this is a big, big one. This is when you want nothing, no one or no living thing to suffer on the planet. This is when you change how you consume, what you consume and why you consume. This is when you run down the rabbit hole of investigating and educating yourself in order to make the best choices that will impact or not impact everyone, everything, and every living being on the planet. And I mean fish, trees, the air, people, the land, the atmosphere, the waters, the oceans... Now, it doesn't have to be that big. When you're at the very beginning of stage 10 in your evolution, you will pick what is your passion. It might be that you start using more natural pharmaceuticals. You might become vegetarian. You may begin only purchasing organic clothing. Whatever you choose to begin that journey, there's no judgment. To segue from judgment is when you understand, you have reached the highest level of evolution.
SO when will you know you are Evolved?
I want you to have no judgment. No judgment for yourself and no judgment for my answer. Only observation. Observation of how you feel when I give you this answer.
The answer is never. You will never get to that point.
And accepting that is the furthest that you can become. Really you do not want to ever get to that place. Because if you do feel that you have reached that level, then you are still in the ego, the universe never stops expanding. That has already been scientifically proven by all the most prominent physicists and astrophysicists in the world. It never stops expanding. And neither do you. There is always more to comprehend. There is consistently more to become. And if you ask me, that's a pretty exciting place to be!