Astrology, Inflammation and Dairy!?
Detailed Research on Culprits and Cures. What You Didn’t Know About Dairy & Inflammation
What is your Health Profile?
In this Article: Children, moodiness, emotional outburst, emotional irregulation. Research and Arthitis. Inflammation and foods. Cancer, Capricorn connections. Moon and Saturn. Cures.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, please do your due diligence.
In 2018 I started a Vegan Lifestyle, the significant change was DAIRY FREE! Prior to that I had spent years between doctors, MRIs, Ultra sounds, message therapists and chiropractors, searching for the reason for my pain, numbness and weakness in my arms and hands. No actual diagnosis accept a guess that it was ocupational. Years after another guess, arthritis. I had childhood arthritis, so I accepted that I had it again, despite my age! I had to sleep on my back at night it was even difficult to drive. I also had periodic rashes or hives on my thighs.
Six months after I quit, we went to Europe; Holland, Paris, Switzerland, and Italy, how could I not have dairy! Italy was our last of the 3 weeks vacation, and suddenly I painfully learnt the lesson that dairy was the culprit! I could not pick up a bag of groceries without pain and my hives returned. WOW! It was a blessing to know this, and it took 3 wks to heal. But wait! I do not have the Cancer Sign, no along the element of water in my chart!? The culprit was my Moon, ruled by Cancer conjunct Saturn, ruled by Capricorn, (Cancer and Capricorn oppose one another) in my 6th house, house of HEALTH!
As I write this I am plagued by all my health issues that can be easily cured by a nutritional regime and routine, also 6th house stuff. A lesson for me from Jan 2022-Nov 2022. Quitting dairy is one thing, bad Oils (everything but hemp, coconut, avacado and cold press olive oils) Fried foods, Gluten and Sugars, not so easy! I have the Gluten down, next all grains and refined sugars! I am 80% plant based, yet on our travels this is not easy when we entertain with friends.
A few months ago I met the most amazing chiropractor who focus on muscles and nerves as well, not just cracking bones, she cured my pinch nerve in my neck! She also added that the pain was not merely from dairy, that dairy aggravated an already occurring inflammation. Coolio! OK I can try a bit of dairy here and there, right??
As I write this, the last few weeks I indulge in 3 separate occasions of a slice of authentic Italian pizza at a celebration, and a ceaser salad, (within a 2 weeks span) days later my body was in pain with inflammation and 9 days later I’m still in pain; arms, hands, back and sometimes my legs! This can take up to 3 weeks to detox, even with my cleansing foods!
Yes, when I see Capricorn or Saturn strong in a chart, I warn the client of Dairy and Gluten sensitivity as well.
ASTROLOGY: When I examine a Chart, if it has a dominance in the sign of Cancer, or combinations that include the 4th house and or the Moon and Capricorn; I diagnose dairy/stomach issues and a highly emotional sensitivity which can produce a mental health issues in that person. For children this can be the culprit to moodiness and emotional outburst, as well as emotional irregulation, meaning they pick up on the emotions of others (empath) yet take it in as there own, Dairy makes this worse.
A study published in The Journal of Nutrition in 2015 found that eating dairy foods increased low-grade inflammation in a small sample of German adults. And a study of more than 40,000 people with osteoarthritis (OA) found that those who ate more dairy products were more likely to need hip replacement surgery.
Over the last century we have witnessed the birth and accelerated acceptance of food science, which has become synonymous with processed food.
From pasteurization of milk to the chemical flip of naturally occurring fructose to high-fructose corn syrup, from artificial sugars to purified sugar alcohols that are sold as prebiotics, from carrageenan to soy isolates and monosodium glutamate, it is hard to find any packaged food that does not harbor a chemically-altered compound that our physiology as mammals has never had to handle. more
When considering proper brain nutrition, focus on three main areas:
1.) Hydration
2.) Foods that limit inflammation
3.) Foods that promote brain health
Some people with arthritis and related conditions find that avoiding certain foods can reduce flares. For others, dietary choices don’t seem to make much difference. Be patient withyourself and start where you have the most sensitvites.
When I discovered my cure to my inflammation, more inflammation surfaced, yeah that happens before you get better. And guess what, you become even more sensitive when you indulge! Here is what I suggest to my clients:
Make a list of ailments and concerns
Include moods, brain fog and fatigue
Know your chart and all its signs and combinations so you can check what is the most prominent sensitivity
Eliminate one at a time, 6 weeks at a time.
Contine for 6 months to a year
Only 6 months? No, its a lifestyle: yet once cleansed, if you mess up, the effects of inflammation does not last as long. Your body is able to detox faster. But do not mess up big!
Expect to mess up
Try Medical Mediums Recipes
Yeah I did this often, I would not reach six weeks as I would accidently eat dairy; that @!#! is in everything! Then I would have to start my 6 week cleanse again. UGH! After 6 months to a year most inflamtion should be gone.
The health of our gut microbiome is dependent on the foods we eat. The more whole, organic foods we eat, the healthier and more diverse our gut becomes. Dr Zach Bush
Example of a FEW Astrological Medical Combinations for Inflammation:
This is a list for inflammation only. Not all are Sun signs only, in fact many are not, one needs to know their entire Chart. As well as house placement-birthtime needed. That does not include Transist,m which I use for predictions that affect your chart! Like my Saturn/Moon/6th house Transit!
TAURUS/2nd House/Venus- Thyroid, Neck, Shoulders. Red Meat and Wheat, as well as plastics in clothings and bedding (rayon, polyester micro fibers etc)
CANCER/4th House/Moon- Breasts, Stomach. Dairy. As mentioned in this article
LEO/5th House/Sun- Heart, Blood, Upper back. Refined Sugars, Lactose, Glucose Fruitcose
VIRGO/6th House/Mercury-Small intestines, Arthritis. Red Meat, Difficult to digest foods, such as Beans and Cruciferous (cook well) Take vitamins sublingually. Vit Bs
SCORPIO/8th House/Mars/Pluto-Large intestines, reproductive system, bowels. Difficult to digest foods, such as Beans and Cruciferous (cook well) Very sensitive to drugs/medications.
CAPRICORN/10th House/Saturn-Bones, Knees, Skin. Red Meats, Grains, Dairy.
PISCES/12th House/Neptune-Water retention. Very sensitive to drugs/medications.
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