Control, Fear and the Universe
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[av_textblock size='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' font_color='' color='' id='' custom_class='' template_class='' av_uid='av-kog47cyk' sc_version='1.0' admin_preview_bg=''] Control is about the essence of power in the face of weakness, fear, or loss. When we set an intention that enables us to explore the darkest side of our persona, we bend as we filter our awareness and let go of desire. First, we must admit to the craving, and then water down our appetite. Desire is the direct reason we suffer. Desire is designed by our human selves when we suffer. Quite a conundrum. We believe if we feed our minds and feelings with substances that enhance our chemical composition, that a rise of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine will heal us. The lack is apparent when one dose is not enough. Believe that you can relate to desire and the control you want to have over this. Better the Devil you know. Look control in the eye and say “I am safe, I am safe” The universe is your vigilant warrior, this eternal energy field is forever present, an undeniable force for us all.
The study of Quantum mechanics is the body of scientific laws that describe the unpredictable behavior of photons, electrons, and the other particles that make up the universe and YOU. 99.9% of the universe is space 99.9% of a human is space. Space for us to fill, with thought, feelings, and light. YES, light. Light is the natural source that desires to fill space, as does sound. Believe that you are designed to be happy, to be at peace, and to love others. Believe you are here to be loved. As the acorn is and only can grow into an Oak Tree. You can only grow into love as you come from the seed of love. Control, fear, hurt, pain, desire is a distraction. And yet it is the road to release. Release of the human cage of your soul.
The space we all enter is unlocked only by the many. This is why we evolve and serve others so they may evolve, as a result, we are all set free.
It is not to sell homes, go on vacations, buy clothes, material gain, teach, preach, acquire wealth, create businesses, work for factories, corporations, or go to school. These are and should only be vehicles to realize our soul's potential as we feel, desire, struggle, gain, and accomplish our gifts, as we emerge into consciousness. Consciousness is not your state, not another state; nor is it separate or out of reach. It is the air we breathe, the sky above, and the universe beyond. It just is...
Love the Universe [/av_textblock]