Prayers, Wishes, or Law of Attraction This is the answer given from my Guide and Source.
To best explain this, imagine that every single idea, thought, truth, invention, discovery, intelligence, emotion, love, or intention ever created in history, from every dimension and every being, from all galaxies, all of the universe and those yet to be determined, was a drop of water. Each one, a drop of water. And these drops of water were collected into a giant, endless pool of water, like an ocean or water particles in the air. That is the collective you are accessing. Some call this the Akashic Records. They are believed by theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the etheric plane. It is part of you, and you are part of it: Source, or one may call it an infinite intelligence. You must know that all of you have access to this. As in the law of nature, it just is. For example, water in an ocean eventually evaporates into the atmosphere. It collects into the clouds and ultimately will rain upon your land and go back to its original source, and will repeat. It’s cyclical. So is this infinite intelligent power we are speaking of. When you wish, dream, or pray for something, you will be sent answers from this collective, Universal Mind, and Source. Some of you may be sent a special guide to assist you. However, let it be known that many of you do not listen; many are distracted by attachments, goals, greed, control, grief, worry, guilt—all ego-made emotions. And when you are detached from Source, you do not see the signs, hear the thoughts, or feel the guidance. This does take practice at first, much practice, and possibly a human guide to coaching you through it. But it must be one who is not focused on ego. Only on letting go. Surrendering. Releasing blocks and blinders. The author has an example of how one can build barriers that restricted one from receiving. – I had a client who asked if she would win the lottery, just enough to buy a car that she felt she needed to get a job she wanted in the city. I noticed in her astrological chart that she would have an opportunity the following week. But I added that she should not ask for money to buy a car; instead, to simply ask for transportation to her new job. She argued with me, stating that there was no transportation as she was not living within the bus system because she lived out in the country. She was quite upset with my prediction. A week later, she emailed me this: Well, you were right, once again. Yesterday, I and my neighbors woke up to find all of our trash cans knocked over and blown into other lawns and driveways. As I went over to help an elderly neighbor collect hers, she shared with me her concerns. She had just found out a few days ago that her driver’s license was taken away due to her eyesight. She was devastated, not knowing how she would make her weekly trips to the grocery store, doctors, and pharmacy. I remembered your predictions and had an idea. I told her, “That’s funny; I have the opposite problem.” I told her my dilemma and shared with her my idea. She said that she would not have a problem with me using her car whenever I needed it if only I would drive her to her destinations a couple of times a week. She was so happy for the company as well. And now I can take my time to save up for a car. – You see, with this story, you have an understanding of how humans can control their reality. If she asked only for money to buy a car, that limits the options that the Universe can provide for her. Yet the other concept left plenty of room for many opportunities. Often, you may desire a raise or a high position in a job, claiming that is what one needs, due to the fact that they dislike their current job; when in fact, you simply want happiness in your job. Some prayers are not meant to be answered due to previous karmic agreements; however, that is only about 20%. Many are not answered due to timing, meaning that they will be answered; many are unrealistic or out of greed and most are answered but not in a way you may want, or you’re not hearing the answers.
From 101 Answers from the Universe THE BOOK