experts from my BOOK 101 Answers from the Universe
I have had many people say to me, “I am not coming back.” I reply, “Yes, you are.” Until all of us have risen above this greed and need for self-satisfaction, we are all coming back. Just maybe not here... More on that later.
Act like a monk, live like a pauper? Idealistically, yes. Realistically, no. The Universe requests all of us to work towards living in this way. Interestingly, it does not mean the destination is that you are poor as a church mouse and cross-legged in meditation all day long. It can lead to the most self-satisfying life, full of riches, travel, and most of all, a peaceful inner calm.
It is my firm belief, which is a Buddhist philosophy that many of us cling desperately to the desire for happiness, as we attempt to rid the sadness that plagues us, constantly searching for anything that will distract us or create a short-lived high. When in fact, this endless search is the very reason that we are not happy. I often enjoy my low days. I honor them and use this as an opportunity to learn more about who I am and how I interact with my life. This world is full of temptations, and it is extremely addicting! With every excuse for a quick fix, many of us will use books, movies, food, drugs, supplements, and more, to escape the construct of our minds. All of this is to quench our thirst for happiness that is not real. Oh, do not misunderstand me; I know happiness is a reality, as everyone can achieve this state of euphoria. However, it is not to be found outside of you. Yet as a human, it is not an easy task. Even those who are highly spiritual.
cannot hide from the human body, the human mind, and its senses. Unless you are to hide in a monastery or in the woods, without the influence of the Western world and consumerism, it is quite difficult to escape desire. Every day, we continue to fall victim to our emotional and psychological hunger. This book and its channeling will dispel your limiting beliefs, and organize a new construct that will inspire you, educate, and reform you. Its simplicity is powerful, to say the least.
I am not proclaiming to have perfected any or all of these. But I live towards that means. My passion, mission, and meaning in my life is to help as many people, who want it, to move towards this as quickly as possible. And the only way I can evolve is to resolve my inner demons, know my mission, and proclaim my destiny.
You will discover, as you read this book, that without form, we are space, and we are within the energy field of everything. Space is everything. This is a very peaceful place to be. We can experience this space through silent meditation, each silent pause between thoughts, and often when we zone out. We are one, and one is all, at the same time. However, we do enjoy being contained in a form, where we can express ourselves creatively, through movement, choices, feelings, and connections via the body, the mind, and the spirit. Only in a living form, such as a human, can we achieve this. As form, in a human body, much of our projection is within our minds and our brain. All layers of dimensions are accessed within the mind.
Dimensions spoken in this context, so I am told, are 1–9+. One to three is focused on the body, learning the basic needs and expressions as a human being. In 1–3, we have less choices; once in spirit form, one has to return immediately. We are led more by an animal instinct. Survival is important, and the focus is on the self. Four to six are when we are learning to think outside of our
101 Answers from the Universe THE BOOK
selves: comfort, nurture and serve others—understanding the Heart center. When in spirit form, while in the 4–6 dimensions, one has more choices and can stay in a heaven place longer, before returning. Seven to nine are the dimensions where one is in a more spiritual form, understanding that when in human form, one must seek purification and evolve. In spirit form, you have many choices of utopias; you can be a guide for a short time, possibly for those you loved before you departed and chose when to come back. After the 9TH , there is an endless amount of dimensions.
We strive to be in dimensions that are the most peaceful, without limitations, so we can express our being in any way we wish, without harm—psychologically, mentally, emotionally, or physically. We are living in a challenging and confusing time, yet with as much abundance and advanced technology to have all that we desire. But does it have to be at a price? At the cost of our planet’s health, our welfare, and the imbalance of who prospers and who does not? No, it does not. In 2020, we will unveil all the questions, which lead to answers, and they are also revealed in this book—questions that ask about the meaning of life. Why are you here, on earth? Why now? With these people, in these countries? Why in this particular body? And why for only a few years, and yet for some, many decades? How long do we have to recover the damage we have made in our world? Is there life after death? Is there reincarnation? What are the physics of who we are? Is there a God or Source? How can we find true love? Are there soulmates? What is the fastest way to evolve? How can one find abundance? Is law of attraction real? How can I make a difference? How can I discover my mission and find happiness? And so much more!
I am not a physicist or a theologist, or a guru of any kind. I am a regular person, who has studied philosophy, psychology, astrology, and intuition, and my hobbies are art and physics. I have helped thousands upon thousands of people, with my ability to tap into the universal collective mind. As I began my journey many years ago, many of my clients would say, “You are psychic; how do you know this? It is like you have a camera in my house!” Stories would come to mind that I’d tell them as an example, as a teaching, and they would say, more often than not, “That literally just happened to me! How would you know that?!”
Astrology is an amazing tool, one I never fully understood. I mean, I can read it and translate with accuracy, but how do these planets in our galaxy tell me who you are and what your best dates are to achieve goals? What I know is that it works. It has been in the past few years, as I watch the works of scientists like Nassim Haramein and Gregg Braden, as they have formulated an understanding of how we are connected to the Universe, that I have come to a greater understanding. What I can say is that I do have a very close relationship with the Universal Mind. And it speaks to me constantly. Most importantly, I hear it, and I interact. ALL of us are entangled with this energy field. If you are in form, you have no choice but to be connected.
Many thought leaders, physicists, and scientists have found/discovered that we have been here as a human race from simplicity to modern technology, at least four times. We have destroyed our civilization each time, with greed and hate. Until we get it right, we will keep returning. Though we have to evolve as a collective. YOU can get it right, and YOU may earn a better life if you so choose, but ALL of us have to acquire this together in order to find Nirvana.
<3 Holly
SMALL BOOK, BIG ANSWERS 101 Answers from the Universe