Is Sharing Really Caring??!?
Is Sharing Really Caring??!?
PREDICTION JUPITER ARIES AND PISCES- Is Sharing really Caring??!? In some instances, this is very subjective. In others, it is objective if you are interested in observing. We’ve got Jupiter navigating between Pisces and Aries for about a year. Here could not be more opposite signs of fire and water. Jupiter is a beautiful planet of expansion and it helps us grow in often a very pleasant way.
Collectively it’s going to help us grow around strengthening our hearts on unconditional love; Pisces, but first of all this energy will pull the wool over our eyes, create blinders and place the rosy-colored glasses precisely in front of our eyes. And then Aries would step in, in the new year and it will show us how certain powers may have become the bully, victimizing the Pisces loving energy through aggression and anger. Feeling of alienation, abandonment and loss will be prevalent for many, and for several reasons. However, In May 2022 it will also bring forth activism against individuals and the large organizations in which an attempt to lift the blinders and the rosy-colored glasses. Victimizing and lies through deception for many causes. Careers, work, family, friends, choice, education, and this will through for a loop, mothers! YES, Mothers /Women will RISE, and create a movement like M.A.D.D.
As an astrologer, I want to advise that most focus more on the “Process” of expanding your mind, don’t allow it to be closed by the fear like a victim who hides in the shadows wondering if Nativity is blissful because reality is easily dismissed if one does not take off the blinders and the rose-colored glasses (Pisces/Neptune). However, if you choose to peek out and see all of the facets of any given situation you will expand your mind you will expand your heart, we will grow collectively and this leads to Good Fortune, as this is what Jupiter represents.
I don’t watch the news so I didn’t know anything about the Kyle …… trial. I didn’t understand much about the shooting until yesterday when I read comments on another post, all stating the misinformation. Therefore I did the research after a wise commenter shared the truth. Do not allow humanity to go against humanity because if we do we’re lost and we will create a war amongst each other that is Aries. Lost his represented by Pisces. But on the flip side, we CAN fight for Peace. We can be the Peaceful Warriors!! All sides, all facets, all views. ALL Humans