On a personal level this is going to be a very fun next couple of days, although many of you, as a collective or a group, will be against the powers that be. Is that a father figure in the family? A boss in your work environment? The bank manager within your personal/business dynamics? Partner and partner or Parent and child. Your healthcare providers within your own personal space? Or the coach of your child's sports team. Either way many of you will connect with one another whether through social media, your thoughts, or one-on-one, as you complain about the powers that be and how you can take your control back. Or you may be the one that believes that there needs to be ordinances and regulations in order to create order out of chaos within your community. I am told both are correct.
Lack of love, acceptance and community is not.
Big or small there is a struggle between freedom and control for the next three days.
We focus on our locale and yet pray for those amongst the global.
Who's doing what in our village, who is not accomplishing what in our community! We should support absolutely everyone, no matter what their religion, race, belief, or politics. How do we support them? Not because we accept the identical beliefs that they adhere to, nor live the same way, simply because we support them with love!!! LOVE! Can we disagree and love at the same time? YES
This is exactly the energy now, we have a moon in Aquarius, Mercury in Aquarius, Jupiter in Aquarius and Venus, and Mars in Capricorn. We have two opposing entities. One Aquarius Jupiter and moon believe in the nurturing of the collective allowing for freedom of expression in order to create a new future. This energy can also be quite fixed with some fear of cultural changes. (Aquarius)
While we are in the ever-powerful controlling boundaries and rule-making Capricorn energy, it creates restrictions. Unfortunately, the GLOBAL rules do not follow the collectible and much respect is lost now. Oh this is such an important piece of the whole puzzle. You will see.