Please keep in mind that my predictions come to me as downloads. Many times they are quite accurate other times I find the timing is off. Please do your own personal due diligence to protect your heart, your mind, and your soul, and take this with a grain of salt. If this projection of my predictions is uncomfortable for you, please avoid this part of my publications.
In the past many of my global predictions were months in advance. Now they seem to be only a few days in advance. I asked why? And the answer that I received was that things are changing so quickly and so fast and much of it is determined by the response of the collective, meaning us. I hope that these predictions and much research/journalism will support you in understanding the big picture and permit you, as you are an important part of the collective, to respond with light and love, bypassing as much fear as possible.
The World Economic Forum is an international non-governmental and lobbying organization based in Cologny, canton of Geneva, Switzerland. It was founded on 24 January 1971 by German engineer and economist Klaus Schwab.
Why do I mention this? Because the world economic forum is a big part of the global elite. Those that are at the top of the pyramid control those that slowly expand towards the bottom of the pyramid, which are us, the 99%.
(prediction +)
Top of the Pyramid: Klaus Schwab, Putin/Russia and Li Keqiang/Li Zhanshu/China
2nd Tier of the Pyramid: Buden, Trudeau (so they think), Kim Jong-un/North Korea
3rd Tier of the Pyramid: Pfizer, mRNA Dev Canada, Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon/Jeff Bezos…
4th Tier of the Pyramid: The rest of the World.
Keep in mind that I watched very little news and conspiracy theories. I don't want it to interfere with my downloads however I do know a little bit. People/ organizations and countries on the second and the third tier are not complete but you get the gist of it.
Just in the past couple of days, I receive the final piece of a prediction I've been downloading for well over five months. In October you can see on my Facebook page I predicted the protesting that is now happening around the world. This protesting is having the top three tiers act a little quicker than they had planned. Yes, this is what they call the great reset. However, I call it the great divide you can read that here.
I live in Canada and when I heard that it was possible to freeze bank accounts of individuals for their choices not only in the protest and convoy but also for their choice to spend money on cryptocurrency; my first reaction was, the banks are not gonna like this!! The response from others was ‘how the heck will this affect the banks?’ why?? Because I gathered, they will lose a lot of business and clients. That is exactly what's happening now dig deeper.
So let's cut to the chase. My overall prediction is around the Great Reset, the idea is they want a global world economy and entity. There reasoning in which they will marke to the rest of us, is to create a greener planet, replenish all that we have lost through the damage of capitalism and consumerism, and manipulate how we export, import, produce and spend our money. What's called the elite, the top-tier who want to control the New World order. What I am saying, is that although they're all on very familiar terms right now, there are two that are secretly aligning with one another; Russia and China. Once the other elites realize this, I'm seeing that will be sometime in May 20, 22 they will commence being in survival mode, and for the next year we will feel like our own individual leaders, and our own countries are supporting us, which in reality they are trying to create their own support system a.k.a. army like environment. This lasts well into 2023. However, I admit there isn't a lot of choices, each individual country will choose one of three; to join with China, to join with Russia, or become sovereign. Throughout the next two years eventually, Russia and China start out as allies, soon becoming opponents, as each one of them intends to rule the world. China and Russia battle over this.
So there you have it my global prediction for now.
The third choice is what many people will take on, individually and they will choose to live to support themselves in their own communities, prevailing amongst their own needs that are provided by the community. It sounds extraordinarily easy though it will be complicated and numerous will choose to live in the more controlled environment.
Little do we know we've been living like this for decades.
The other part of the world, non westernized 3rd world have lived what is beyond many peoples comprehension, simply because the modern world has monopolized on this. I am told by source that this will improve for them as well.
Again, eventually, we will live in a parallel world comprised of two worlds while the 99% have to make that choice and a half of the 99% will fight hard for their divide, for their children and their grandchildren, for their future.