The Christmas Star Dec 2020 & What that means for 2021
Christ’s birth is traditionally celebrated in the West on December 25th. Many Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7…
Christ’s birth is traditionally celebrated in the West on December 25th. Many Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7. Neither date is likely correct in light of several clues uncovered by historians and facts in the Bible itself.
However, the general public is made aware of a Jupiter and Saturn conjunct or alignment being fed the excitement that this Bethlehem Christmas star will be visible in the Sky by the naked eye around Christmas. And it is true this alignment, will be visible and is rare. Many articles are saying that this will happen on December 21st which is also the winter solstice! That’s even more magical, isn’t it?
Well, let me share with you what is even more magical. In reality, it will actually be in alignment in two different astrological signs between the 17th and 22nd. On the 17th it will be at 29 degrees Capricorn and on the 21st it will be 1 degree Aquarius. Both in alignment, both planets in the same degree. The fact that they will be on the cusp of both astrological signs or constellations is much more fascinating to me. This is where the pure magic lies!
You see both planets have been in Capricorn for a year or 2. Saturn longer. Capricorn is about lessons learned, challenges, and struggles. Control: controlled by the powers-that-be. For example, as we witnessed in the United States and still do, their politics and elections. Capricorn also represents self-employment and autonomy. And we have witnessed many enter into the self-employment world, new because of the difficulties and the challenges since the Spring birthed a virus called Covid 19.
What does 2021 Bring?
As we leave this year prior to entering into 2021, both planets will leave the rigid, stoic, and challenging sign of Capricorn into the freedom-loving, an original, unique, humanitarian sign of Aquarius. And what’s even more fascinating is that each of these planets owns the other's sign. For example, Saturn's natural sign is Capricorn, and Jupiter’s natural sign is Aquarius. Therefore stoic Saturn is not comfortable in the freedom-loving sign of Aquarius. As Jupiter is not comfortable within the strictness of the sign Capricorn.
I will not bore you with too many details in the technicalities of astrology.
So what this means for 2021 is that our government large organizations including Pharmaceuticals agriculture educational Etc will be forced by the collective become more humane. the powers-that-be who fight against the collective. The 1% opposing the 99%. this is only the beginning.
In reality it will actually be in alignment in two different astrological signs between the 17th and 22nd. On the 17th it will be at 29 degrees Capricorn and on the 21st it will be one degree Aquarius. Both in alignment, both planets in the same degree. The fact that they will be on the cusp of both astrological signs or constellations is much more fascinating to me. This is where the pure magic lies!
Both planets have been in Capricorn for a year or 2. Saturn longer. Capricorn is about lessons learned, challenges and struggles. Control: controlled by the powers-that-be. For example, as we witnessed in the United States and still do, their politics and elections. Capricorn also represents self-employment and autonomy. And we have witnessed many enter into the self employment world, new because of the difficulties and the challenges since the Spring birthed a virus called Covid 19.
As we leave this year prior to entering into 2021, both planets will leave the rigid, stoic and challenging sign of Capricorn into freedom loving, original, unique, humanitarian signs of Aquarius. And what’s even more fascinating is that each of these planets own the others sign. For example Saturn natural sign is Capricorn and Jupiter’s natural sign is Aquarius. Therefore stoic Saturn is not comfortable in the freedom-loving sign of Aquarius. As Jupiter is not comfortable within the strictness of the sign Capricorn.
I won’t bore you with too much details in the technicalities of astrology. But what does this mean? Both planets will be in the sign of Aquarius for approximately a year give or two (saturn).
What this means for 2021 is that our government large organizations including Pharmaceuticals agriculture educational Etc will be forced by the collective become more humane. the powers-that-be who fight against the collective. The 1% opposing the 99%. this is only the beginning.
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