The Fairy Tale Love-the Truth Revealed!
The Fairy Tale Love-the Truth Revealed!
Relationships are complicated, no one said it would be easy. Wait a minute! Yes, they did, cartoons, fairy tales, movies, poetry, books, its in the stores, in holidays, Valentine’s Day, Christmas. Not to mention social media! Plus everything about our society says that relationships are the cure and a fast track to pure bliss and happiness. I’ll have confidence, self-love, happiness, independence, the family I never had, I’ll be the parent I wish I had once I find love.
Then we cannot forget the plan! Oooh, the plan!
I will be married at 28, 2 kids, one boy, one girl, I’ll have a house, a huge house, 2 cars, and a wonderful, caring, handsome man/beautiful woman! Oh no, he/she won’t have problems, nothing like mine! He will have confidence, she will not have any anger management issues, he will know exactly what he wants in life, and love their career! They will have a great relationship with their parents and will not have any childhood trauma. This love of my life will fix all of my wounds, and make all of my pain go away. Our kids will be easy-going, smart, they won’t have any problems, they won’t have any illnesses. They will be the perfect versions of us.
What was the story you wrote for yourself? And how did that turn out? And if you have not yet played out your story, you may want to continue reading.
Love from another does not complete you. The shoe will not fit, and the kiss will not wake you up from lifes coma. I don’t mean to rain on your parade. Metaphorically all the fairy tales are true.
Sleeping Beauty: As we live through our lives we are often not awake. It is one of the reasons the self-help movement is so powerful, it’s one of the wealthiest industries because we want to become awake, and we want to become aware.
Sleeping Beauty: is a metaphor; the sleeping consciousness. Love is not a prince riding on a white horse, but love can come and wake us up, with just a mere gesture, love simply needs to touch us as a kiss.
Cinderella: The metaphor here is that we come from poor places, we come from hearts and minds that are tarnished and dusty. That constantly need cleaning and sweeping in order to maintain our existence. Many of us have layers of dust created as children. You’re continually trying to serve those weaknesses. And then the magic begins, maybe it is a guru, career, best friend or dare I say a lover who becomes your long-term partner, that will be your prince or princess, fits you with the perfect shoe so that you can live in Bliss as royalty for the rest of your life. You see the glass shoe is the reward, the reward that you receive after you have worked hard on yourself. And yet it wasn’t difficult; as Cinderella had her little mouse friends who could be metaphorically looked as Hobbie’s, physical friends, experiences and memories, as she happily whistled while she worked. We can do the same, yet instead, we become so attached to the outcome, and the desire must be fulfilled, we have to find that Golden Nugget, the bucket of gold at the end of the rainbow or the glass shoe.
We become so caught up in the desire, in the wanting and the expectations, that plan is a sure bet to get us there. Along the way, we do not whistle while we work.
We wonder, ‘is this going to be the last day that I have to do this work?’ ‘Will tomorrow be my magical day where my prince charming will show up, whisk me out of this life of misery, and create the perfect future that I’ve always dreamed of?’ That simple belief system is what causes our suffering, in desperation we make bad choices, and we make poor decisions. We write stories, then you meet someone who looks like they could fit into that story, they’re hired! Cast in the role you’ve created for them to fit into. Did they apply for this role? Did you even give them a script to read, to see if they wanted to be such a role? The answer is, no. So now what?
IT’S NOT TOO LATE-allow the Universe to co-create with you
Before its too late throw away your story. The new story is: I am Born, I live, and I die. The end. I know thats boring, yet it allows for so much improvisation. And allows the Universe to co-create with you!
Then get to know who you are, what are your weaknesses, what are your strengths? Look at your childhood, what there a pattern? Dominating parent? Abandonment. WHere you rebellious, shy, or a loner? What did you not receive from a parent? Love, nurturing, encouragement… Guaranteed its what you will ‘need’ from a partner.
What I love about my job and my gift, is how I can see all the intricate individual layers of who you are and how they unfolded in this entire lifetime. And in past lives! Now add the fact that I can do this for your partner as well.
If you want to grow spiritually, get married and have kids! Seriously it will unfold you, reveal you, turn you inside out, unravel you and reinvent you.
And it does not have to be painful.
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