The Power of Influence: Mind Control, Resistance, and Community-Download
As we slip into an oasis discovered long ago, a place preserved from surrounding unpleasantness; a refuge, we pretend we are the same and yet we disconnect as if everyone is our enemy, guilty before innocent. Our brains are washed with thoughts of fear of impending doom. A simple step on a twig will paralyze us, at the same time have us jump, reacting to absolutely nothing except the mere existence of a fearful future implanted in our hearts and our minds!
We have a message for you, we hope you can listen well.
Do not become codependent on messages. This may seem counterintuitive. Once you know who you are, all of your complications and gifts, your lessons to be learnt and lessons learnt. Only then can you translate messages, news, information, and instructions, without fear, or hope, without expectations, simply as data, to be enabled as useful, stored or dismissed.
Your codependency on receiving information that will satiate and alleviate you from the discomfort your own mind, co-creates is the exact procedure or antidote that is creating your future. Do you see that all of you collectively are creating your future in your own minds. And when those you elected to be in power witness your reactions and actions they navigate to their interaction with you.
Fear feeds off of fear. Sweetness is what feeds the Cancer, so to speak. Satiation, desire, expectations, quick fixes, alleviation, self-preservation, self-medicating, self-soothing, for filling in for field, oh this is your problem.
Many of you believe this is a way to avoid giving up. For you fear that giving up is a state of surrender. Let us reframe this for you. When you surrender your self-preservation, and expectations of such fears, your suspicions disappear.
Despite this, many of you take the road less travelled, and we understand why. With all of the boundaries, mind manipulation and the need to survive for your basic needs around the clock, you are now weekend, fear is all you have left to survive. But it does not have to be that way!
If it does not come from love if it does not feel like love and do not inject your opinions your thoughts and your actions on others! If it feels like fear and discomfort question yourself where is his fear coming from within me. Fear is subjective love is objective.
Subjective most commonly means based on the personal perspective or preferences of a person—the subject who’s observing something. FEAR.
In contrast, objective most commonly means not influenced by or based on a personal viewpoint—based on the analysis of an object of observation only. LOVE
Therefore if you take the road with less resistance how far do you have to travel before you realize that NOT taking the road less resistant is actually less resistant? In other words, you fight your subjective fears more in an attempt, so you presume, you can co-create your future. A safer future.
What if you gave it all up. And whatever you had a community that would support you. You gave up saving your money, going out to restaurants, substance abuse, buying on Amazon, using food as medicine and as your consultant.
You gave up searching for love that's outside of who you are.
You give up on believing that somebody can save you.
And yet this is what we advise you to do:
Create your own food, gather around one table with many, and barter other people’s services and products. Build each other’s homes. Fish for each other's food. Teach eachother, advise each other listen to one another.
Cook preserve together.
Do not give up on this.
Don't give up on yourself
YES!!! On board together 🌻🌻I am nothing and also part of everything like star stuff.