The Rise of the Wise Woman
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“They do not realize how much power they gave us.”
THE RISE OF THE WISE WOMAN- I have said this for a while and it's a heavy download I get often. Since this group is ALL women, Id like to share, if this is inappropriate Andre González I understand if this is deleted.
WOMEN — As a market, women represent a bigger opportunity than China and India combined. -Harvard Business Review
In 1929, home economist and marketing expert Christine Frederick published Selling Mrs. Consumer, a popular book that schooled manufacturers and advertisers in the art of pitching products to American women. Seventy years later, consumer culture is part of the air we breathe, and women's role as consumer seems almost a natural one. (
THEY DO NOT realize HOW MUCH POWER they gave us!
Globally, women control about $20 trillion in annual consumer spending, and that figure could climb as high as $28 trillion in the next five years. Their $13 trillion in total yearly earnings could reach $18 trillion in the same period. Given those numbers, it would be foolish to ignore or underestimate the female consumer.-Harvard Business Review
My name is Holly Hall, I have an EDU in Psychology and Philosophy and although I did not finish a degree I have been fascinated by the Human Condition all my life. I have studied, NLP, Clinical Studies in HeartMath, and have a busy practice as a Clairvoyant Life Coach and a Master Astrologer for years. Recently I wrote a book on Amazon, 101 Answers from the Universe in which all of the questions and answers are prevalent for the new age we are in.
My latest ‘download’ is that a prominent woman will lead a new movement. This is not a gender bias movement. It's not about sexual orientation either. It is about consumerism and the historical facts around women and buying power.
If miraculously 80% of all woman began to shop or trade for only organic, sustainable, consciously and locally, for only what they needed; in food, including fast foods, clothes, appliances, accessories, cars, travel, services, furnishings and minimalize to the extreme, the economy would collapse and fall to its knees. This sounds horrible, yet it is not at all. Similar to the sudden changes during COVID19, companies, industries, and providers would be forced to change how they produce the products we consume. Suddenly huge industries would have to source out their materials differently. No more cutting down the trees and rainforests, no more access watersheds depleted for factories, no more slave labor, decreased excess packaging, no more: GMO, pesticides, oil-based material for clothing, eliminating the torturing animals for our pleasure, entertainment, and food. Women would consume from one another, barter, trade, and purchase. We have to prioritize our immediate needs! The government would have to comply, they would want to manipulate us thinking we are consuming sustainably, yet that will not sustain itself as the Wise Women's Movement, whom we would begin to trust more, will guide us and put us back on track.
We would not accept the education system as it is either. (in my book)
Women! This is for the future of our children, your sister or brother's child, or your best friend's child.
What would happen if this movement began?
Connect more, travel less. Build essential local solutions. Cook, bake, share, and Grow, millions of children will be saved from slave labor, abuse, and kidnapping.
Roadways would be less traveled, and many factories would close, dirty pollution belts would disappear over cities and industrial centers in country after country within days, just like during COVID. Falls in carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, greatly improving air quality and reducing the risks of asthma, heart attacks, and lung disease. Waterways would live again, oceans cleaned up.
And women would demand that a percentage of the industries contribute to aiding countries that suffer and need clean water, clothing education, and safe homes to live in. Including offering free services and products for anyone to volunteer in such locations to help the economy to rebuild itself, in any country.
Yes this would put tens of thousands of people out of job, yes the lack of economic growth would force investment to plummet, loss of homes, and more. The women's movement would have to protest for support and guidance as we all ride this much-needed healing transformation together.
Yes, climate change may be a reality and the cause of many of the disasters and fires in the world. However, it is beyond just climate change. It is now Planet Change. Do we want to wait until mother nature forces her hand and takes this out of our control for good? No, we do not, that would be a disaster. We want to create with her, we want to live in peace with her.
So who will make this movement begin?
And are you willing to join the Wise Women's Movement?