Why Have Memories If We Are To Live In The Moment? Unexpected Answer!?
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Unexpected Answer on the way!
The Answer. Well again perpetually simplistic and yet seed jammed full of boundless learning and knowing! I was very excited to discover this one!
UNI Q- Answer- Humans are a blend of Soul Energy/Matter. Cell memory is required to reproduce matter. Your body has cellular memories. It is the Humans choice to align emotions with the thoughts. It is your soul evolution to dissolve negative emotions. Collectively we evolve in singularity.
The knowing of "Collectively we evolve in singularity." Meaning we must evolve individually in order to evolve as a collective.
"The human's choice?" Often, and I understand this with several clients (and myself,) we are not ready to unpack the necessary file folders of past experiences in order to acknowledge the emotions associated with those memories. Right!? You know what I mean! And when we do, painstakingly, yet unquestionably we rise above and evolve. This returns us closer to nirvana, non attached compassion. and collectively it creates a ripple effect. [/av_textblock]