Why this is the Most Significant Period of all Time!
Why this is the Most Significant Period of all Time!
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System. It is a gas giant with a mass more than two and a half times that of all the other planets in the Solar System combined, but slightly less than one-thousandth the mass of the Sun. This matters why? In astrology, Jupiter sanctifies us, no matter how demanding a situation is.
JUPITER in astrology symbolizes the desire to expand and grow … to resolve the fates of life by believing in the faith of a higher power.
Although I am speaking more of a significant GLOBAL picture with Jupiter awareness, be aware that the location of JUPITER in your chart exhibits areas of your life where you will encounter good luck, worldly abundance, and special defense which comes from ‘higher forces within’. In Astrology, the planet Jupiter is called ‘The Great Benefic’, and it shows those spheres of daily living in which you naturally use luck, internal expansive, and generosity to aid in what you desire. To find the position of your Jupiter, click here.
We have Jupiter moving into Pisces it will hover back and forth from Pisces to Aries starting mid May 2022. What the heck does that mean!? Well, you can head over to my YouTube channel and catch my video it also focuses on the predictions around this.
It is said that in the Big Bang, Jupiter was the one that saved our galaxy from completely exploding up into tiny little pieces. Jupiter is the largest planet, as well as the most expensive planet, it is also considered the planet of luck. As we see it hover back and forth we have to hope for personal, global expansion and growth. Pisces is around loneliness, suffering, healing, the muses, and isolation. It rules the medical field and esoteric healers. During this time you can expect to feel oppressed, isolated, alone, yet it is a time for you to sit in your quiet space within your mind and your heart and heal. As well as contemplate your position in your world and your potential contribution to help heal others. This may not be direct action, it can simply be a reaction, a personal choice you modify or using your voice. For those who enjoy their quiet time, they would do rather well during this transit.
When Jupiter moves back into Aries, sometime in mid May, we as a society will stand our ground, protests and advocation will be everywhere about everything!! Hang on soul sister and brothers, for the next year we are making a huge shift from dependence to independence worldwide! (I will write more in detail in April 2022)